Hi, I'm Elisa Blueheart, I was born in the game, and I have a twin sister named Emilia. I'm just fine, and you will hopefully have quite a lot of fun with me. ;)

Credits: Hair : EA
Skin : PralineSims
Eyes : PralineSims
Clothes : sunshinee/enchanting58
(formal and sleepwear)
everyday from EA
Pacifier : Irink@a
PS: Bitte vergesst meine Schwester Emilia nicht und meine Eltern , diese findet Ihr auch hier im Blog !! Danke !! ;)
PS: Please do not forget to take my sister Emilia,
and my parents, they find you here on the blog! Thank you! ;)
So very cute ♥♥♥
AntwortenLöschenThaaaaaaaaaank you ♥♥♥